Puerto Iguazú. A year ago we started monitoring Jaguars in the Puerto Península Defense Nature Reserve, where the Argentine Army Military School develops its training activities in the jungle, close to the city of Puerto Iguazú, in Misiones province.
From the first moment, and in virtue of the great enthusiasm we found in the military personnel, we jointly proposed to renovate the signage in the access, which was worn, inconspicuous and outdated. Jaguar Network / Red Yaguareté contributed with the painting and the cement and the military personnel the stones, the excellent carving and the manpower.
Now the property has a great sign indicating the entrance, after the bridge located on the Del Medio stream, which delimits the property of the 2,000 hectares (Puerto Iguazú city). Signaling is of great importance in conservation areas, and it is common that many protected areas are unknown to neighbors because of the absence of indications, which often leads them to make improper use of them, hunting and extracting wood and other resources.
Our congratulations to Sergeants Lucas Araque and Gabriel Gauna, Major Guillermo Broll and Coronel Javier Paiva.
Puerto Península, adjacent to the homonymous Provincial Park (and to which it donated the land) has 6,700 hectares of forest (divided into two fractions, A and B) and which make up the north jungle block of Misiones, the most important for the Jaguar conservation in this ecoregion. So far, we have been able to identify three diferent Jaguars in the place, although there are indications of others.
We celebrate this cooperation with the Escuela Militar de Monte, which introduces this unique area of COEXISTENCE BETWEEN JAGUARS AND PEOPLE to conservation efforts.