Looking for a National Management Plan for Jaguars in Argentina.
The critical situation in the jaguar (Panthera onca) in Argentina, generated that the National Parks Administration (APN) start working together with the governments of the 6 provinces that still harbor the species, NGOs and other stakeholders in the generation of a management plan for the species.
This was a first meeting was held in the city of Resistencia, Chaco Province in June 2004 and a second in Posadas, Misiones in November 2006 .
It was defined the development of an Action Plan by ecoregion so then take the National Plan defined. For them, three regional subcommittees were created:
Subcommittee Paranaense Forest Conservation Yaguareté.
Chaqueña Subcommittee for the Conservation of Yaguareté.
Yungas Subcommittee for the Conservation of Yaguareté.
As a result of the latter, it was formed a working structure with the following design:
Interinstitutional National Commission
Sub-Commission Yungas
It has not yet been established yet
Sub-Commission Chaco Region
It is already in operation
Sub-Commission Selva Paranaense
It is already in operation
Also, the National Parks Administration (APN) appointed a Jaguar National Coordinator and one for each ecoregion where he still lives:
– National Coordinator: Mr. Daniel Ramadori..
– Chaco Region Coordinator: currently vacant.
– Coordinator for NOA: currently vacant.
– Misiones Forest Coordinator: currently vacant.
We hope the official appointment of Regional Coordinators as they continue to cases of illegal hunting and management plans are essential to advance a planned, not yet materialize.
To see a detail of meetings and documents generated, click here.
Subcomisión Selva Misionera
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Subcomisión Región Chaqueña
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Subcomisión Yungas
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